The Asunción Metropolitan Area (AMA) in Paraguay has faced problems achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Challenges include a high flow of cars and transportation, irregular flooding (the capacity of the sewage system has already been exceeded for some time), and strong urban growth. In response, a coalition of stakeholders including the Municipality of Asuncion started the implementation of the „Asunción Green City of the Americas“ initiative in 2017, which focused on improving the quality of life in the AMA through green infrastructure in a sustainable and resilient city framework. The Living parks laboratory (“Laboratorio ¡Parques Vivos!”) initiative started in 2021 as part of this project and includes a series of education activities promoted by the Ministry of Urbanism, Housing and Habitat, which aims for central and local government officials to be trained in the sustainable management of public spaces, including education on nature-based solutions.