The Liberties Greening Strategy was a combination of proposals in 2015 for new green spaces, the enhancement of key streets and civic spaces, the refurbishment and enhancement of existing green spaces, greening measures for streets, and measures to improve linkages and legibility in Dublin, Ireland. The strategy sought, among other things, to provide allotments, community gardens, and pocket parks within the Liberties neighborhood, which is historically working class and has the least amount of accessible green space in Ireland by neighborhood. (When the strategy was published, the neighborhood had 0.7 square meters of green space per person compared to 49 square meters per person for the entire jurisdiction of the Dublin City Council). The Dublin City Council commissioned landscape architects Áit Urbanism + Landscape to produce the strategy in 2015 in the context of stalled municipal development due to the Great Recession and grassroots activism that advocated for greening vacant spaces. The strategy represented progress on and implementation of the 2009 Liberties Local Area Plan. The policy instrument is still ongoing.