This protocol is a management instrument with technical and legal foundations based on the Forestry Law 7575 of Feb 1996 and the Urban Planning Law 4220 of Nov 1968. It is an instrument for decision making that promotes the conservation of urban biodiversity. The guide is derived from a reforestation protocol for the rehabilitation and maintenance of protected areas in the GAM. This instrument was developed by the Municipality of San José, the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) and the National Power and Light Company (CNFL). The instrument establishes guidelines for the recovery of protected areas near bodies of water in urban areas; it also delimits and describes the geographic zone where it should be applied. The document establishes the species to be used when restoring these areas, a planting protocol, techniques for soil management and conservation, and agroforestry management. The guide served as the basis for the preparation of the National Policy for the Protection Areas of Rivers, Streams, Creeks, and Springs 2020-2040. In addition, and in response to a mandate from the Comptroller General of the Republic, SINAC and the Costa Rican Institute of Housing and Urbanism (INVU) promoted the development of the Strategy for the recovery of tree cover and protection of the protection areas of rivers, streams, creeks and springs. This strategy is mandatory for all municipalities in the GAM.