The Grow Back Greener Fund was first launched by the Mayor of London (United Kingdom) in 2020 to fund community projects that create and improve green spaces across London. The fund aims to help addressing inequalities in access to open space that were exposed in London during the Corona pandemic by prioritising projects in neighbourhoods with poor access to green space and high levels of deprivation. The fund provides grants to projects such as creating community gardens, river restoration, new wetlands or greening school playgrounds. The funded projects should focus on making physical improvements to the space, offer opportunities for Londoners to access training or develop new skills and should work with or be led by Londoners were less likely to access green space. The Grow Back Greener Fund is part of the London Recovery Board’s Green New Deal Mission, one of nine missions jointly developed by the Mayor and London Councils to guide the capital’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Grow Back Greener Fund also supports the Mayor’s commitment to London becoming the world’s first National Park City.