"Greening Hannover" (Begrüntes Hannover) is a 2012-2022 subsidy programme for greening buildings and minimising land use (e.g. unsealing of asphalted and concreted courtyard areas that are no longer needed in Hannover, Germany. The subsidy is coordinated by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland - Hannover Region (BUND - a registered German association) and the Environment and Urban Greening Department of the state capital of Hannover acting as the funding cooperationpartner. Together with the state capital of Hannover the funding principles were drawn up and project processes were coordinated. The aim is to create incentives for individuals to green their environments and thereby transform as many barren house walls, grey roofs and asphalted areas into green areas throughout the city as possible. Target groups include private homeowners and landowners, tradesmen property owners, tradespeople, housing companies/cooperatives and multipliers (e.g. architects, specialist firms). In the longer term, house and land owners are to be motivated to carry out greening (on buildings) and unsealing without financial support. Since May 2013, all house and landowners, housing associations and building communities have been able to apply to the BUND for a subsidy for green roofs and facades. In 2017, the project was expanded to include the unsealing of areas like inner courtyards and driveways, thereby creating new green areas.