The Green Space Factor and the Green Points System are two integrated green planning instruments adopted in the Västra Hamnen District in Malmö, Sweden for the Bo01 neighborhood. They are based on similar instruments in place in Berlin, Germany, and were part of a larger scheme to regenerate the Malmö district following its post-industrial decline by applying environmental concerns to urban planning. Each development in the neighborhood is required to achieve a green space factor of 0.6, which is calculated based on an equation that assigns factors to environmental features based on their ecologic benefits. Specifically, the green space factor is the sum of each surface type factor multiplied by the area of each surface type within the courtyard, divided by the courtyard area. A 0.6 factor translates into a requirement that sixty percent of the surface of new developments should be covered with high-quality green space. Landscape architects in Malmö's city planning office confirm that developers meet the required green space factor. While a green space factor requirement leads to more green space, it does not necessarily lead to more biodiversity, since developers can introduce green space less favorable to biodiversity though still received a satisfactory score. Thus, the Green Points System was introduced as a checklist for developers to choose one biotope and three animal housing or habitats. They are also asked to plant species that are rich in "nectar and/or berries, seeds and nuts." While the instrument is successful in promoting green space, its long-term impact on biodiversity is ambiguous. However, many see the instrument as successful, and consequently, policymakers in other regions or municipalities have adopted similar schemes, for example, in Malmö (as a whole), Lund, North West England, Southampton, and London.