Details about instrument financing:
While overall figures were not able to be found, the budgets for certain years can provide an indication.
The City of Nantes has a sizable budget for green spaces, with investment of €4.2 million in 2010 (3.89 percent of the total budget; €14.48 per resident) and running funds totaling €20.3 million (5.28 percent of the municipal budget; €70 per resident with a population of 290,000). To the foregoing, one must also include the investments made by public management in urban development. They have totaled €6 million yearly between , bringing the investment effort to 9.45 percent. These managers, who are also in charge of other public amenities in the city's several eco-neighborhoods, systematically plan and maintain the city's green space framework.
In 2016, Nantes invested over €16 million into green spaces and urban greening. The city spends an average of €135 per year per inhabitant on the maintenance and development of its green spaces, which is three times more than the national average (€46.50). The expenses for 2021 indicate at total of €15,830 spent on green urban space investments and €165,000.00 spent on green spaces maintenance, amounting to a total of €180,830.