Since 2012, the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, France has been developing a charter entitled "United for more biodiversity" ("Tous unis pour plus de biodiversité"). The charter is addressed to all stakeholders of the metropolitan area, and managers or owners of green spaces engaged in an environmental management approach. By signing the charter, municipalities, public bodies or associations, companies or landlords commit themselves to abandoning chemical products, reducing mowing, installing composters and shelters for wildlife (nesting boxes, insect hotels), planting hedges, fruit trees and local species, etc. The charter is specifically aimed at companies, associations, landlords, administrators and developers as well as the municipalities of the Eurometropole of Strasbourg to extend the practices of management and sustainable urbanism already initiated through other operations. In connection with the charter, the local authority has therefore initiated an open partnership process aimed at sharing technical knowledge and best practices in terms of management and development favorable to biodiversity.