The Lombardy Region in Italy launched the "Biodiversity and Climate" (BioClima) call in 2022 to test public-private financing instruments for supporting collaboration on regional projects aiming at biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and enhancement of ecosystem services. Specifically, the Lombardy Region allocated €3.5 million of the regional budget to the beneficiaries of these projects (public administration, managing bodies of Natura 2000 sites, entities managing protected areas pursuant to regional law 86/83). The grant contribution by the Region is foreseen to cover a maximum of 70% of the eligible expenses within the range of €105,000 to €350,000. The projects must provide for a minimum private co-financing of 30%. Private co-financers will be able to communicate the impact achieved by their resources thanks to international standard of the Forest Stewardship Council for generated ecosystem services. Technical assistance for beneficiaries is also included to help applicants identify conservation interventions that are able to generate ecosystem services and in looking for private sponsors to bring together supply and demand.