The "Asunción, Green City of the Americas" Plan developed for the Asunción Metropolitan Area is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES), together with UNDP, the Municipality of Asunción, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), the Technical Secretariat of Planning (STP), the National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), the Paraguayan Network of Sustainable Cities and Guyra Paraguay. This is a sectoral planning instrument framed within the development and growth of the City of Asunción, it is expected to obtain cumulative global environmental benefits of 1,227,442 tCO2e of mitigated and sequestered emissions through transport-oriented development, green infrastructure and the implementation of the solid waste management policy, in addition to reducing TEQ emissions of unintentional POPs.
According to UNDP, the plan is being executed under the supervision and leadership of the Ministry of the Environment, and the expected results are aimed at improving urban planning, taking into account environmental sustainability indicators in Asunción and its Metropolitan Area. To this end, actions are aimed at reducing emissions from the public transportation sector in the Metropolitan Area, promoting bike paths and generating options for the conversion of the bus fleet. Additionally, a green belt will be created in the metropolitan area with the purpose of reforesting five native species and consolidating the green areas already existing or to be created in the urban area.