The Compensation Area Management is a national law enacted in 2010 as part of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz) in Germany, aiming to protect the value of nature and the landscape of the country as the basis for human life and health and out of responsibility to future generations. The Law applies to settled and unsettled areas to safeguard the following three aspects in the long-term: biological diversity, the efficiency and functionality of the natural balance (including the regenerative capacity and sustainable usability of the natural assets), and the diversity, individual character and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and the landscape. Protection also includes the maintenance, development and restoration of nature. The Compensation of Areas settles on §15 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, which describes that declines in the current state of nature or landscapes need to be avoided and - if not otherwise possible - needs to compensate or substitute the impairments in time, scale, function and - if possible - place. As such, the law supports nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration across German cities.