The Empty Plots Plan (Urban Slots with Territorial and Social Involvement) is an agreement-based instrument of the Barcelona City Council in Spain. Enacted in 2012, the Plan focuses on the transfer of underused municipal plots to community-led organisations for temporary use (initially for three years). The Plan initially offered two plots in each of the 10 city districts, except in the neighbourhood of Ciutat Vella where only one plot was offered. Most plots are only foreseen to be empty temporally and are either paved or damaged open fields. They are supposed to host new public facilities in the long run, or are affected by municipal planning plans that have not yet entered into force. The community-led initiatives that won the usage rights of the empty plots are from all different fields, such as social, sports, community, and in many cases urban gardens. All initiatives are open to citizen participation. After a second edition in 2015, the Empty Plots Plan was reformulated to a similar program called Mans al Verd - Hands on Green - in 2019 to promote urban green spaces and the implication of citizens to improve and manage urban green spaces within the Pla del Verd i la Biodiversitat 2012-2020 - Green and Biodiversity Plan 2012-2020. Both instruments promote nature-based solutions by giving use to degraded abandoned spaces and creating new ecosystems such as urban gardens, while at the same time responding to the demands of grassroots initiatives to be able to realize their ideas and turn them into projects.